Community Conserved Areas

Our Vision, Objectives & Roles

Our Vision:

A green Nagaland with rich biodiversity

Our Objectives:

  • Establish cordial relationship between the functional CCAs in the state
  • Participate in the global march on biodiversity conservation
  • Encourage afforestation (local species) as well as conservation of forests, wildlife, water and all other natural resources
  • Voice for common causes of conservation of biodiversity and environment at various levels
  • Promote eco-tourism and encourage scientific research on biodiversity
  • Sensitize people towards the sustainable use of natural resources

Our Roles:

  • Supervise, coordinate and support for all efforts of CCAs
  • Represent CCAs of Nagaland at national and international levels
  • Establish linkages and networking with the supporting organizations
  • Influence policy towards conservation and in favour of CCAs
Community Conserved Areas

All content on this portal is under CC-BY License unless otherwise specified.
